Bonnie N. Field and Juan Rodríguez Teruel. 2023. “Another leftist coalition government in Spain, though just barely.” Australian Outlook, December 5.

Sonia Alonso and Bonnie N. Field. 2023. “Peripheral parties hold the key in the aftermath of the Spanish elections.” The Loop, ECPR’s Political Science Blog, July 27.

Bonnie N. Field and Sonia Alonso. 2023. “Election in Spain: Faustian pact with far right looms?Social Europe, July 19.

Astrid Barrio and Bonnie N. Field. 2023. “CiU, from the success of moderation to radicalisation and distintegration.” Centre on Constitutional Change Blog, University of Edinburgh, June 16.

Bonnie N. Field and Shane Martin. 2022. “Understanding minority governments in parliamentary democracies.” LSE EUROPP Blog, December 5. 

Sonia Alonso Sáenz de Oger, Bonnie Field, and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser. 2022. “La derechización del PP en el contexto Europeo,” El País, January 14. 

Sonia Alonso Sáenz de Oger and Bonnie N. Field. 2021. “Is Spain’s Popular Party caught between a silent revolution and a silent counter-revolution?LSE EUROPP Blog, October 19. 

Bonnie Field. 2021. “Ministros, género y nombramientos políticos en España,” Agenda Pública, October 5. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2021. “Gender, ministers and political appointments,” Social Europe, September 24. 

Bonnie Field, Kerstin Hamann, and Alison Johnston. 2021. “¿Deberían los gobiernos preocuparse por las huelgas generales?Agenda Pública, July 1. 

Alison Johnston, Kerstin Hamann, and Bonnie N. Field. 2021. “Should governments worry about general strikes?Social Europe, June 3. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2019. “Is there something wrong with Spain’s political leaders?The Monkey Cage—The Washington Post, July 20. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2019. “L’assignatura pendent dels governs en minoria,” Política & Prosa 8 (June). 

Bonnie N. Field and Juan Rodríguez Teruel. 2019. “Can Spain’s elections on Sunday deliver a functioning government?The Monkey Cage—The Washington Post, April 26. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2019. “Do Spain’s minority governments work?LSE EUROPP Blog, April 25. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2019. “¿Funcionan los gobiernos minoritarios en España?” El món de demà. April 19 (online), April 21 (insert in La Vanguardia newspaper). 

Bonnie Field. 2019. “El consenso y la unidad constitucionales, en cifras,” Agenda Pública, January 9. 

Bonnie Field. 2018. “El PNV con los gobiernos en minoría en España,” Agenda Pública, June 1. 

Astrid Barrio and Bonnie N. Field. 2018. “Finding a way out of the Catalan labyrinth,” LSE EUROPP Blog, April 11. 

Kristin J. Anderson and Bonnie Field. 2018. “Framing the 2018 Elections: #TrustBlackWomen,” Psychology Today, March 12. 

Kristin J. Anderson and Bonnie Field. 2018. “#ElectBlackWomen,” Agenda Pública, March 10. 

Astrid Barrio and Bonnie N. Field. 2017. “Is Spain Francoland? No. Has the Catalan crisis damaged Spanish democracy? Yes. The Monkey Cage—The Washington Post, December 22. 

Astrid Barrio and Bonnie N. Field. 2017. “What’s Going on in Catalonia?” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, December 5. 

Bonnie N. Field and Astrid Barrio. 2017. “Without a drastic change in approach, further conflict appears inevitable in Catalonia,” LSE EUROPP Blog, October 5. 

Astrid Barrio and Bonnie N. Field. 2017. “Spain is trying to block Catalonia’s independence referendum tomorrow. What’s going on?The Monkey Cage—The Washington Post, September 30. 

Bonnie N. Field and Kerstin Hamann. 2017. “Los partidos nacionalistas en el Congreso. Algunas lecciones de España,” Agenda Pública, February 14. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2016. “¿Funcionará el nuevo Gobierno en minoría de Mariano Rajoy?” en Piedras de Papel—El Diario, November 20. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2016. “Will the new Rajoy minority government in Spain work?LSE EUROPP Blog, November 16. 

Bonnie N. Field and Kerstin Hamann. 2016. “Do regional-nationalist parties emphasize the territorial divide in the national parliament? Some lessons from Spain,” Who Governs in Europe Blog, October 4. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2016. “El referente republicano,” El Periódico, October 4.  

Bonnie N. Field. 2016. “La formación de gobierno en España y la herencia de la Segunda República,” Agenda Pública, September 29. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2016. “La formación de gobierno en España y la herencia de la Segunda República,” El Periódico (online), September 30.  

Bonnie N. Field. 2016. “Forming a government in Spain: The influence of Spain’s first experience with mass democracy,” Presidential Power Blog, September 7. 

Bonnie N. Field. 2015. “How the next Spanish government might be formed after Spain’s election,” LSE EUROPP Blog, December 19.